Click on Highlighted Links Below To Fill Out The Required Forms In Order To Attend.
Please fill out the appropriate forms and mail them back to us as soon as possible!
Please fill out form below
2011 Genesis Project Hazardous Release Form
Hazardous Release form MUST be filled out and signed by all participants!
Doctors Physical MUST either be filled out and notarized or refused and notarized in order to attend!
2011 Battle in the Concrete Jungle Womens Seminar Brochure
Link above and below are for those interested in the Women’s Seminar in September.
2011 Battle in the Concrete Jungle Womens Seminar Inserts
Link above and below are for the 2011 Men’s Seminar
2011 Genesis Project Men Brochure Inserts
Above link is if you are interested in the Guys Project in June.
Above link is if you are interested in the Girls Project in June
2011 July Weekend Camp for Kids ages 8-11
Above link is if you are interested in the over night camp in July
Above link is if you are interested in attending any of the kids day camps in 2011